Web-Anwendungen und Serviceorientierte Architekturen (II)


Studierende, die die Vorlesung bei Prof. Abeck besuchen und prüfen lassen möchten, werden gebeten, eine Interessensbekundungs-Mail mit ihrer depseudonymisierten KIT-Mail-Adresse (siehe hierzu auch https://my.scc.kit.edu/shib/pseudonymisierung.php) an cm.research@lists.kit.edu zu schicken. Die WASA-Auftaktveranstaltung findet am Mittwoch, den 17.04.2024 um 09:45 Uhr online statt. Den Link zur Auftaktveranstaltung erhalten Sie als Antwort auf Ihre Interessensbekundungs-Mail.

Der Besuch des Praktikums oder des Seminars zusätzlich zur Vorlesung ist verpflichtend. Das Vorgehen zur Vergabe der begrenzten Plätze wird bei der WASA-Auftaktveranstaltung vorgestellt. Die Vorlesungsmaterialien liegen durchgängig in englischer Sprache vor. Die Vorlesung selbst findet in deutscher Sprache statt. Auch die mündliche Prüfung findet ausschließlich in deutscher Sprache statt. Die Ausarbeitung zum Praktikum verfasst jeder Studierende in englischer Sprache.

Zum Inhalt der Vorlesungen WASA1 und WASA2; weitere Details siehe WASA Kick-off

WASA1 (Bachelor): Current concepts of software development and architectures (including Microservices, REST, gRPC, Domain-Driven Design, DevOps, CI/CD, Build Pipelines, Container-virtualized Infrastructures) as well as related technologies and tools (including HTTP, Go, Swagger, Postman, JavaScript/TypeScript, Angular, GitLab-CI, Docker, Kubernetes, Prometheus) are introduced. These concepts and technologies are applied in a systematic engineering approach, called Unified Microservice Engineering (UME), to develop and deploy microservice-based web applications.
The practical course Microservice2Go1 (M2Go1) can optionally be taken in parallel to the WASA1 lecture. In  M2Go1, the UME approach is practically applied with the example of a microservice-based car rental application. After a compact introduction to the programming language Golang, the M2Go1 participants learn the systematic engineering of a domain microservice and an application microservice which are both implemented in Golang.

WASA2 (Master): A compact summary of the concepts covered by WASA1 is provided. In WASA2, Identity and Access Management (IAM) as an advanced topic is presented. In its core, IAM is responsible for the authentication and authorization of users and services in a software application. In the lecture, leading IAM concepts and solutions (e.g., Keycloak, Open Policy Agent, Microsoft Entra Verified ID) are introduced to illustrate how the IAM challenges are solved in IT practice. Concrete microservice-based applications are extended by authentication and authorization functionality based on the current Internet standards OpenID Connect and OAuth2.
The practical course Microservice2Go2 (M2Go2) can optionally be taken in parallel to the WASA2 lecture. In M2Go2, the IAM concepts presented in the lecture are practically applied on the existing analysis, design, and implementation artifacts of the microservices which are written in Golang. 

  • [Ev04] Eric Evans: Domain-Driven Design – Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software, Addison-Wesley, 2004.

  • [Ne15] Sam Newman: Building Microservices, O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2015.

  • [Ne19] Sam Newman: Monolith to Microservices - Evolutionary Patterns to Transform Your Monolith, O'Reilly Media Inc., 2019.

  • [Sm15] John Ferguson Smart: BDD in Action – Behavior-Driven Development for the whole software lifecycle. Manning Publications, 2015.